French Onion Soup

French Onion Soup is essential in my pantry because it is one of those comfort foods that I need when I feel a little under the weather. I like to can it, so it's around for lunch or a simple dinner. All you need is the bread and some cheese. If you have oven-safe soup crocks, it is fun to make it look like it comes from a fancy French restaurant by adding French bread and melting cheese on top of it.

Preserving Corn (freezing and Canning)

Canning and freezing corn is relatively easy, which is why in the summer, when Lewis Orchard, a farm stand near my home, has second boxes of corn, I get one. They are inexpensive, and I can get several pints of corn canned and a few pounds of corn frozen.

Any Berry Lemonade Concentrate

Any Berry Lemonade Concentrate is one of my favorite Ball recipes. I discovered it on a canning group website. The original Ball recipe is for strawberries, but you can use any berry you desire. Also, I know others have used peaches successfully too.

Strawberry Jam Using Liquid Pectin

Strawberry Jam with liquid pectin is a jam that I make every year. My husband's favorite sandwich is peanut butter and jelly. He likes his jam thick like the ones you get at the supermarket. So if people in your mess are looking for that type of jam, this recipe is for you! This recipe is the closest that I have found to commercially prepared jam.

Strawberry Preserve

Strawberry preserve is such a fun spread to make because it is so versatile and delicious on a scone or mixed with yogurt. It can make a delectable filling for a strawberry shortcake, a cake, or a cheesecake. It is quite simple to make and easy to can. This is a small batch recipe, but it is worth making.

Orange Marmalade

Orange marmalade is one of those jellies that you either love it or hate it. It has a sweet and bitter flavor, which makes it so unique. It can be used as a glaze or in a marinade for chicken or pork. I love marmalade as a spread on hot buttered toast.

Chicken (Turkey) Stock

Chicken (Turkey) Stock is the whole reason I started to pressure can. It is great to have homemade stock ready anytime it is needed. Also, It saves on freezer space. So try canning stock in your mess.